In the WHO's Presidential Quarantine, Corona's patient was contacted

- Announced himself on social media on Sunday

- although he also claimed to have no symptoms of corona

New York, Ta. Monday 2 November 2020

"I am in quarantine after coming in contact with a patient in Corona," said Tedras Adhnom, director general of the World Health Organization (WHO). However he also claimed that not a single symptom of corona was found in my body.

"I came to the quarantine myself when I was informed that I had come in contact with a patient who had been a victim of Covid 19," Adhnom wrote on social media on Sunday. However not a single symptom of corona has been seen in my body yet.

He called upon mankind to heal in this epidemic by following the instructions and guidelines given by the doctors so that the epidemic could be brought under control. Forced to stay in quarantine for at least 14 days after coming in contact with a corona. We all need to take precautions to reduce the workload on the health care system.

Adhanom further wrote that by taking precaution we will be able to break the chain of transition of Kovid 19. We will be able to prevent viruses and reduce the workload on the health care system. My colleagues and I are committed to protecting vulnerable people and preventing further casualties.

So far, more than four and a half million people worldwide have been affected by the corona and more than 1.2 million have died. More than a million people were infected in the United States alone.


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