Know, what can stop the second wave of Corona in India?

New delhi date. 05 November 2020, Thursday

The second wave of Corona has arrived in America and Europe. Recently, VK Paul of the Policy Commission said that a second wave of Corona is likely to hit India in the cold. One finding suggests that the second wave may be more dangerous than the first. Find out how we can stop the second wave of corona in the country or slow down its spread.

"We are facing difficulties," said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The number of people coming positive after the second wave is increasing. We have to stop it from spreading. According to Antoine Fauci, the good thing about all this is that we can reduce the number of cases of corona virus. It does not require a lockdown, we can only do so with discretion, caution and serious public health thinking. We just have to keep these simple things in mind.

1. Always wear a mask

It is clear from the search report that Covid-19 is under control in places where wearing a mask has been made mandatory. When 50 to 80 percent of people wear a mask, it proves to be very effective. Remember that now we have to get in the habit of wearing masks even after the vaccine arrives.

2. Physical distance

Follow the rules of physical distance as soon as you leave the house. This is very necessary to prevent community spread. Keep at least 6 feet away from strangers.

3. Don't go in crowds

Crowded spaces become super spreader spaces for Corona. Most people in these places do not follow the necessary rules for protection such as wearing masks. This is the festive season in India. That’s why you need to remember not to go in crowds. Remember that this is the first winter season that has come during the epidemic.

4. People don’t get indoor

You will not find anyone inside the house except the people you live with. Then avoid meeting people in gyms, bars and even restaurants, as corona transitions quickly into indoor space. Especially when the ventilation is not good and you are not even wearing a mask.

5. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly

This is very helpful in preventing the spread of Corona virus. And a sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol is the best option. But washing your hands whenever possible is the best option.

Why is the second wave dangerous?

Experts say the virus is constantly changing form due to mutations. A second wave of corona viruses in and around Houston found a virus D614G mutation in 99 percent of about 1000 corona cases. Which has raised concerns about Corona's second wave.

Statistics of India

India ranks second in the world in terms of transition. There are about 80 lakh cases of infection and the number of deaths is more than one lakh 19 thousand.


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