Without the vaccine, India will be free of corona

-Good news given by the senior doctor of AIIMS

-There have been 1.5 lakh deaths in India so far

New Delhi Dated 13th November 2020 Friday

Dr. Randeep Guleria, Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, gave the good news that India would be corona-free without the corona vaccine.

"We don't need the corona vaccine," he said. We will be in a state of herd community after the outbreak of the corona virus. At that time we will not need the corona vaccine. However he added that if the virus does not mutate or there is no major change in the situation, we may need a corona vaccine.

However I don't think we need a corona vaccine. We will be coronated by herd immunity.

He added that the medical world is keeping an eye on what kind of changes will take place in the virus in the next few months. This is the first time the virus has been exposed to the world, so the medical world is not yet fully aware of its activity. Like doctors around the world, we are here to keep an eye on the virus. Billions of rupees spent on corona vaccine would be wasted if corona is freed from herd immunity.


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