World Cancer Day 2021: What is the history of World Cancer Day?

New delhi date. 04 February 2021, Thursday

World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on February 4, with the aim of spreading awareness and reducing misconceptions about dangerous diseases that have become the second leading cause of death globally. The United Nations-recognized day is led by the Union for International Cancer Control. This is a global initiative that brings the world together to get rid of the cancer epidemic. Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally.

Cancers affecting the Indian population are lung, breast, brain, throat and colorectal cancers. That is why it is important to understand each type of cancer and how it affects the body. Learn some information about the history, theme and significance of World Cancer Day ...

History of World Cancer Day

This day was established on February 4, 2020 at the World Cancer Summit for the New Millennium held in Paris, the capital of France. On that day, former UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsura and former French President Jacques Chirac signed the Paris Charter. Since then this day is celebrated every year with a special theme.

Significance of World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day aims to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of the disease which is the second leading cause of death worldwide today. The primary objective is to reduce the mortality rate caused by the disease and to eliminate the injustice caused by it. On this day, hundreds of activities are organized around the world.

The theme of World Cancer Day

The theme of this year's campaign is 'I Am and I Will'. That is, I am and I have been kept. This shows that every action is important to fight cancer. ‘This year is a reminder of our enduring power of collaboration and collective action. When we choose to come together we can achieve the desired result. That is, a healthy, bright world without cancer. '

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