Corona epidemic deprives 40 million children in South Asia of schooling - WHO

New York, March 18, 2020, Thursday

A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF assessing the impact of the epidemic in South Asia has found that an estimated 4 lakh girls will not return to school due to the Koro epidemic. Due to which 20 million children could not go to school. In South Asia, there have been more than 1.50 crore cases of Kovid-12, out of which 1.5 lakh people have died.

The plague hit the region in 2020. People had to live in the shadow of its fear throughout the year. Even in the year 2021, Koro's infection has started to spread in different parts of the world. The coronavirus vaccine has been introduced but regular health services and timely vaccination for other diseases have had the opposite effect. There has also been an increase in neonatal and maternal mortality. An estimated 2.5 lakh children under the age of 5 have died. Not only that, there have been more than 11,000 cases of maternal mortality. Maternal mortality has increased by 12%. In addition, diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS, and typhoid have claimed the lives of over 3,000 adolescents.

The report also found that the epidemic has led to more than 3 lakh cases of unwanted pregnancies in South Asia, including 3 lakh girls, on the one hand, child marriage has increased and on the other, child malnutrition. In Bangladesh and Nepal, more than 60 per cent of malnourished children did not receive treatment for the disease. In India, vaccination rates fell by 5 per cent and in Pakistan by 4 per cent. In 2020, infant mortality increased by 12.5 per cent, while in Bangladesh it increased by 12 per cent. Similarly, the maternal mortality rate in Sri Lanka increased by an estimated 21.5 per cent and in Pakistan by 21.5 per cent.

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