Controversy over allopathy and Ayurveda likely to escalate after Baba Ramdev writes a letter asking 25 questions

New Delhi, May 24, 2021, Monday

Baba Ramdev's statements about allopathy have caused a great deal of controversy in recent times. The Indian Medical Association had turned a blind eye to yoga guru Ramdev Baba, who was selling Ayurveda products, and forced him to retract his statements. However, the controversy over allopathy and ayurveda is likely to escalate after Baba Ramdev wrote a letter to the Indian Medical Association and pharma companies asking six questions. Baba has asked the first question that doctors should not fall ill with allopathy if it is omnipotent and omnipotent.

Ramdev has asked in the letter whether allopathy has a cure for diseases like BP, type-1, type-2 diabetes, thyroid. Not only that, what medicines does allopathy have to cure fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis? What is the way to reduce heart blockages in pharma industries? Is there any permanent solution to angioplasty to an operation without bypass? Apart from this, Ramdev has also asked what is the medicine or remedy for headache, migraine, eye drops. According to Baba, these are questions about the pain that millions of people are suffering from and are looking for a lasting solution.

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