Find out why white fungus is more dangerous than black fungus in the Corona period.

New Delhi, May 21, 2021, Friday

The black fungus disease has proved to be more dangerous than the corona epidemic, so the central government has instructed the states to declare a black fungus epidemic. Patients with coronary heart disease are more likely to develop this condition, known as mucosal mycosis. According to a source, more than 4000 patients with mucosal mycosis are undergoing treatment in states including Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi. Black fungus was thus considered rare but the number of cases has risen since the transition to corona which is worrying. While people are scared of the black fungus that kills the eyes, brain and lung cells, it has also come to the attention of the dangerous white fungus.

This white fungus affects every organ, not just the eyes, lungs or brain. In medical parlance this white fungus is called Candida which reaches every organ of the body through blood. Surprisingly, it spreads to the skin, stomach, kidneys, brain and private parts and even the mouth. Black fungus is more prevalent in corona infected patients while white fungus is also affecting non-corona infected individuals. The symptoms of white fungus disease are similar to those of coronary heart disease. Experts advise to do HRCT if symptoms like corona infection appear and RTPCR is negative. This test is confirmed by testing in the lungs.

If the fungal infection affects the joints of the body, it causes pain. Reaching the brain has the opposite effect on the ability to think. The patient has a hard time thinking about this in speaking. Complaints of headache and vomiting are also seen. Small sores without pain are seen when spread through the blood in the skin. These symptoms appear early in the transition. Corona-like symptoms appear when this fungus affects the lungs. If no corona test of any kind is done, the person is tempted to assume that he has corona. Take home remedies and common medicines. It is too late when the transition involves major body parts. Failure to recognize the importance of the body can lead to death. Antifungal drugs can be cured but the disease needs to be considered early. It has also been observed that the risk of white fungus is higher in women and it is found in the form of leukemia i.e. white sputum in the genitals. Patients with a type of cancer have a higher risk of contracting it.

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