Does constant sitting in the same position disrupt the body's metabolism?

New York, October 6, 2021, Friday

Sitting in the same position every day is dangerous for health. Employees working in offices have to sit in the same place continuously for 3 to 4 hours. Then get 8 to 8 hours of sleep at night. This kind of daily condition does more harm than good to cigarette addiction. Some companies have developed a tradition of standing up and working or setting up a high desk to avoid a constant sitting position. In addition, the importance of walk meetings has also increased. Some companies also offer health equipment to keep the body fit. Some companies place a lot of emphasis on body fitness but today's digital features have made life sedentary. Elders are also troubled by the growing laziness of the new generation.

A few years ago, a study was published in the American Journal of Circulation. Sitting for too long leads to relaxation in the body. People also have a habit of watching TV for hours. Thus sitting continuously in this way disrupts the metabolism of the body. The process of digestion slows down. Which also increases the amount of cholesterol. People working in offices may sit for hours but the human body is not meant to sit. The situation of people working on computers in particular is extremely delicate. Lack of diligence and irregularity increases the risk of heart disease by 8% and the risk of diabetes by 8%. This type of lifestyle is dangerous even if it is not addictive. (Photos-symbolic)

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