Pressure people to get vaccinated even though vaccination is voluntary, find out what the government says

- There is no mention of its inevitability in the Central Government's order on the issue of vaccination, meaning that it depends on the discretion of the individual.

New delhi date. Sunday, November 14, 2021

Corona transition is once again on the rise around the world, with many countries beginning to re-impose the necessary sanctions. According to health experts, everyone should be vaccinated to avoid the risk of serious corona infection and death.

A community-based digital survey of vaccination drives has revealed something very shocking. According to the survey, 1 in 4 citizens say that local administrations and companies have made covid vaccination mandatory. Many offices do not admit people who have not been vaccinated. Most importantly, the Covid-19 vaccination is completely voluntary in the country.

A survey of 36,000 people in 328 districts of the country has revealed the inevitability of vaccination. According to 26 per cent of those surveyed, the local administration in their district has made vaccination compulsory. In many offices, employees are allowed entry only after they have been certified a second dose of the vaccine. Not only this, vaccination certificates are also being demanded for rations and other government facilities. Apart from that, in many places like gas agencies, petrol pumps, a rule has been made to provide facility only to those who have taken at least one dose of vaccine.

Government vote

In a reply affidavit filed in the Mumbai High Court on October 8, the Union Health Ministry said that vaccination for Kovid was an issue of social responsibility and should be seen as a matter of public interest. Everyone should be vaccinated as a responsible citizen in this fight against Corona infection. However, this does not mean that anyone can be forced to take the vaccine against their will.

Pressure not appropriate for vaccination

There is no mention of its inevitability in the Central Government's order on the issue of vaccination, meaning that it depends on the discretion of the individual. Even if legally required, Article 21 of the Constitution gives people the option of 'Right to Healthcare' on the basis of which they can voluntarily choose better health options for themselves. So the question is, why are companies pressuring employees to get vaccinated? Vaccination is necessary to prevent corona but how appropriate it is to put pressure on people directly or indirectly.

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