Against the most unusual feature of Omicron came, do not ignore

- If you are not feeling hungry with some other symptoms then you should consult a doctor or an expert and then get a covid test done.

New delhi date. Monday, January 03, 2022

Scientists around the world are gathering new information about Omicron. The WHO also warns that Omicron corona virus spreads faster than any other variant. According to experts, the number of cases is likely to increase due to negligence in not paying attention to the symptoms.

This is why health experts are advising people not to ignore any of the symptoms. Doctors have reported an unusual symptom of Omicron that people usually do not pay attention to.

An unusual feature of omikron

The most common symptoms of corona include loss of taste and smell, fever, sore throat and body aches. However, not all patients with Omicron have such symptoms. Based on the data so far, the scientists said that only 50 per cent of corona patients are experiencing fever, cough and taste-deficiency deficiency. However, a special symptom has been reported in most of the Omicron patients and that is loss of appetite. If you are not feeling hungry along with some other symptoms then you should consult a doctor or an expert and then get a covid test done.

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