AC in the office increases the working speed of employees by 12%. Find out what the AC temperature should be

New York, May 31, 2022, Tuesday

In corporate and government offices, employees often disagree on how to maintain AC temperatures. A research study has shown that a person can work more efficiently if the indoor temperature is usually 4 degrees. Not only that, in summer, if the AC has the right temperature, the working speed increases by 15%.

There is also a survey on indoor environment quality in the United States. 4% said their office temperatures are high. While 4% thought that AC in the workplace is more cool. While 4% of people were unhappy with the indoor environment of their office.

The cooler the temperature, the warmer it was. In America, women prefer three degrees lower temperature than men. Women in particular wear clothing to protect them from the cold. Employees spend about 5% of their time in office every year talking about weather and temperature. It costs billions of pounds worldwide.

According to one source, the cost of cooling the office is estimated at over ૬ 3 billion each year due to the scorching heat in Australia. Employees are in a good mood if the temperature in the office is favorable. They work with each other in a spirit of cooperation. If the temperature is not moderate, there is a possibility of getting sick from the decrease in efficiency. When the temperature reaches 40 degrees, the typing speed decreases and the chances of making mistakes increase.


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