How to avoid anemia, dengue, malaria? Learn 7 home remedies

With increasing pollution, the problems of mosquitoes are also increasing, diseases like dengue and malaria are also increasing due to these increasing mosquitoes. When the platelet count in the body decreases due to dengue, patients approach the doctor for these ailments. So some home remedies also cure these ailments. So let's know how to control low platelet count and how to prevent dengue and malaria...

Wheatgrass juice

Regular consumption of wheatgrass juice in dengue increases the platelet count. You can also add half a lemon juice to this juice to make this drink tastier.


Kiwi is considered a natural antioxidant. Regular consumption of kiwi in dengue helps to increase the platelet count in the body which decreases. Apart from that, due to the abundance of vitamin C and potassium in kiwi, kiwi is very helpful in naturally increasing the body's continuously decreasing energy during illness.


Pomegranate is an excellent source of iron. Regular consumption of pomegranate increases immunity, besides this, pomegranate also helps in increasing red blood cells. Regular consumption of pomegranate by dengue patients increases the platelet count and also helps in recovery.

Fenugreek seeds

If the platelet count is continuously decreasing, the platelet count can be increased by consuming fenugreek seeds. Boil few fenugreek seeds in water for about 10 minutes and consume that water. Alternatively, fenugreek seeds can be soaked in water overnight and consumed.

Papaya leaves

Papaya leaves are a very old and well-known method used for quick recovery from dengue. It contains a phytochemical called acetogenin, which increases the platelet count rapidly. Apart from this, papaya leaves also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Boil 4 to 5 fresh papaya leaves in water for about 10 minutes, strain the water and consume it. Or take some water and put fresh leaves in it and make a mixer and consume that juice. Consuming papaya leaves for just 4 to 5 days in dengue will show immediate effect in the patient.

Beet juice

Beetroot is the best option to increase the blood deficiency in the body and to keep the hemoglobin under control. Also drinking fresh beetroot juice twice a day helps in increasing the platelet count.

Vitamin C

Consuming foods that are rich in vitamin C is very important for a quick recovery from dengue. Vitamin C rich fruits like lemon water, orange, amla and jambu should be consumed.


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