If you see these symptoms, be careful, be careful before your kidneys get damaged

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Dt. 25 February 2023, Saturday

Kidney is an important part of our body. Kidneys clean the blood and remove waste from the body. When the kidneys are not working properly, the body cannot get rid of the bad substances. Due to which many types of diseases spread in our body. If there is any kind of defect in the kidney, many diseases take place in the body, but before that some kind of signs are seen in the body.

Swelling of the face and eyes

When the kidneys are not functioning properly, the bad substances cannot be excreted. Therefore toxins start accumulating in body tissues along with water and salt. And due to this, face, stomach and eyes get swollen.

Excessive tiredness

Kidneys keep working continuously and remove unnecessary and toxic substances from the body through urine. The kidney's main job is to make blood cells and a decrease in blood cells leads to anemia and insufficient oxygen reaching the muscles. So that the body feels tired.

Difficulty breathing

Along with this, the kidneys work to deliver fluids to our body. Kidney problems cause fluid to build up in the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. Apart from this, sometimes people also have chest pain.

Change in urine

Kidney problems cause changes in urine. Thus, the kidney works to purify the blood. Kidneys clean the blood and remove the remaining waste in the form of urine. In which people experience frequent urination, sometimes bleeding in urine and other problems.


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