Refrigerating these fruits destroys their nutrients, never make this mistake

Ahmedabad, 12 January 2023

In today's fast life, we have overused the refrigerator. Food items stay fresh for several days in the fridge so we get used to storing them. We store bakery products, milk products or fruits and vegetables in the fridge. Consuming fruit in daily life is very good for health and fruit is also considered as the healthiest diet as it is a treasure of vitamins. But did you know that there are certain fruits that should never be refrigerated?

Many of us are in the habit of buying the whole week's worth of vegetables and fruits on weekends and storing them in the fridge. In today's fast paced life, a refrigerator is very useful, it also keeps food fresh for 1-2 days. But do you know that some fruits are such that if you put them in the fridge, the nutrients in them are destroyed and then there is no benefit in eating them, so let's know where are the fruits that should never be put in the refrigerator.

1. Banana:
It is best to keep bananas at room temperature, if they are kept in the refrigerator they start to turn black and spoil quickly. Ethylene gas is released from bananas due to which they ripen faster than other fruits.

2. Apples:
Apple is a very tasty and nutritious fruit, as per an English saying, eating an apple a day will keep you away from the doctor. If these apples are kept in the fridge, the nutrients in them are destroyed. But if you want to put the apple in the fridge, wrap it in paper and put it later.

3. Watermelon:
Watermelon is high in water content which is good for keeping the body hydrated. Watermelon is very large in size so often we have the habit of putting half cut watermelon in the fridge to preserve it, but doing so destroys the antioxidants and nutrients in it, so watermelon should never be kept in the fridge.

4. Litchi:
Lychee is also such a fruit that if it is kept in the fridge, it starts rotting from inside and the nutrients in it are also destroyed, that is why it should be consumed immediately after getting it from the market.

5. Mango:
The summer season seems incomplete without mango, the king of fruits. And with the coming of hot season, we all get baskets of mangoes in our homes, many of us keep them in the fridge to prevent them from ripening too soon and to preserve them for longer. But by doing this, the nutrients and antioxidants in the mango begin to decrease, so you should avoid putting the mango in the fridge.


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