Do you have a habit of snoozing the alarm and going back to sleep? So be careful!

Ahmedabad. 14 March 2023 Tuesday

Who doesn't like sleep? Many people snooze the alarm a little later in the morning. You must have done this many times. Many people find it very difficult to get up from the first alarm in the morning. This is the reason why they either turn off the ringing alarm or put it on snooze to get some more sleep. But do you know how dangerous putting the alarm to snooze can prove to be for your health?

It is said that waking up early in the morning is very beneficial for health. This is absolutely true. Although this benefits only those who wake up without an alarm, people who cannot wake up without an alarm and keep hitting the snooze button may have worse health than others.

A research has revealed that frequent use of the snooze button is not good for health. This is because doing this causes bad sleep. It is always best to wake up early in the alarm. Here we give you some information about the snooze button that you may have never thought about.

What is scientific logic?

Usually people wake up sometime after the alarm goes off and snooze it. The reasoning of the scientist behind which is very interesting. When the snooze button was invented, engineers wanted to increase the duration of the alarm. However, he did not do so. The snooze button was invented in the 50s when the snooze button was invented, the clock gear cycle was set to 10 minutes.

Because of the gearing for the snooze button, experts advised that the cycle of the alarm's snooze button should be reduced to less than or equal to 10 minutes. Because the coordination of other parts does not get confused. Finally the makers decided to cut it down to 9 minutes. The expert rationale behind the snooze button cycle of 9 minutes is that 10 minutes after turning off the alarm, a person falls into deep sleep. Meanwhile, if the snooze button is held for 10 minutes or more, the alarm often does not sound and the person continues to sleep.

Bad effect on health

Sleep experts believe that pressing the snooze button often leads to feeling tired in the morning and also has a bad effect on health. There is no doubt that the snooze button disturbs your sleep and is also dangerous for health. A recent study suggests that using the snooze button is not good for health.


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