Sun poisoning can be caused by going out in the sun: try these tips to avoid it

Ahmedabad. 30 March 2023, Thursday

Summer season has already started. Sunburn and tanning are very common problems caused by the sun. But did you know that you can also get sun poisoning from sunlight? Some people think that sunburn and sun poisoning are the same. Let us tell you that sun poisoning is very dangerous compared to sunburn. Sun poisoning is the deadliest form of sunburn. It occurs when you are exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays for a long time. It requires medical treatment to fix it. In this problem, the skin starts to get irritated and crusty. So today we will tell you about its symptoms and ways to avoid it.

What are the symptoms of sun poisoning?

- The skin becomes red and painful

- The skin becomes crusted and blistered

- Headache

- Dizziness

- Dehydration

- Feeling confused

- Nausea and vomiting

- Fainting

If sun poisoning goes too far, pus or water starts coming out. After a few days, it starts to feel sore and swollen. Severe symptoms of sun poisoning occur when the body is depleted of electrolytes. You may feel nauseous and confused, feel very cold and experience muscle cramps.

Remedies to Avoid Sun Poisoning

- Use sunscreen, use a sunscreen lotion with an SPF above 30

- Apply sunscreen about half an hour before going outside

- Go out of the house with the skin completely covered

- Wear cotton clothes while going out and avoid wearing tight clothes

- Avoid wearing dark colored clothes, also cover the head with a cap or cloth

- Avoid going out of the house from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm in the day

- Try to keep yourself hydrated as much as possible

- Apply sunscreen every 2 hours if you sweat profusely


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