Boost your immunity by consuming these 5 things amid increasing cases of corona virus

Ahmedabad. 14 April 2023 Friday

Corona virus has once again spread all over the world. Cases of Kovid-19 are also increasing in India. Meanwhile we need to be vigilant once again. First of all, masks should be started and hands should be washed frequently with soap. Many of us may have taken all doses of the corona vaccine but the risk of viral infection still remains. Meanwhile with all caution it is also necessary that we should increase our immunity.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is consumed in almost every household in India. This spice has many medicinal and Ayurvedic properties. People who eat this spice regularly have an increased immune response in their body.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is considered to be the most powerful green vegetable that is very effective in fighting diseases. It contains an antioxidant called sulforaphane. Which supports our immune system.

3. Foster

Spinach is a very nutritious green leafy vegetable. It contains many essential antioxidants that help us fight viral diseases. Jino juice is no less than a boon for health.

4. Green tea

Green tea is considered to be the healthiest of all drinks. Because it is very low in caffeine and rich in nutrients. If you want to boost immunity, then consume 2 cups of green tea daily.

5. Sunflower B

Oil is extracted from sunflower seeds and used as cooking oil. Also, you can eat it directly by having it in a salad or peeling it. The vitamins and antioxidants present in it improve disease resistance.


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