If such symptoms are seen in the body, understand that the amount of sodium is decreasing, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately.

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Dt. 10 April 2023, Monday

Nature has designed our body so wonderfully that every part has some importance. It is necessary to maintain the amount of water and sodium, food etc. in the body. If there is any problem in any part of the body, the possibility of various types of diseases increases immediately. Today, there are many problems in Jidangi, full of constant running. In which today you have to talk about a disease which seems so common but it sometimes causes a lot of trouble.

Man is going into coma due to lack of sodium in the body

You must have heard many times that due to lack of sodium in the body, there are chances of a person going into a coma. Due to the loss of sodium from the body, the man goes into a coma. So at such times it is important to know the symptoms of low sodium and report it. That's why it is very important to keep getting checkup done and get it treated immediately.

Sodium is an electrolyte in the blood and controls the amount of water in the body's cells.

The body can remain healthy only if the balance of vitamins and minerals is maintained in the body. Otherwise, the body will become a home for various diseases. If there is a deficiency of sodium in the body, many types of symptoms appear. Sodium is an electrolyte present in the blood and helps regulate the amount of water in the body's cells. And if the level of sodium in the blood decreases, the problem of hyponatremia ie low blood pressure arises.

Symptoms of low sodium in the body

  • 1. Nausea and vomiting
  • 2. Headache
  • 3. To hallucinate
  • 4. Fatigue, dry throat, loss of body energy
  • 5. Irritability, frequent temper tantrums
  • 6. Muscle weakness, spasms
  • 7. Unconscious or comatose states Low sodium may be due to these causes

These causes can cause sodium levels to drop

  • Drinking more water can also reduce sodium in the body.
  • Sometimes medicines cause sodium deficiency in the body
  • Frequent vomiting, diarrhea or dehydration can also cause this problem.
  • Often this happens due to changes in hormones
  • Even if there is a heart related problem, kidney or liver related problem, sodium deficiency can occur in the body.
  • When anti-diuretic hormone is produced in excess in the body, it also causes such a problem.


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