If you are suffering from stomach gas problem, keep this powder at home, just half a teaspoon will be beneficial

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Dt. 10 April 2023, Monday

Sometimes overeating causes gas in the stomach. So sometimes eating heavy food or too much oily or bland items causes gas in the stomach. Due to the formation of gas in the stomach, the stomach becomes bloated and there is constant sour belching. And sometimes this gas cannot get out so the head also starts to hurt. And constantly feeling restless. How many foods should be avoided to get rid of gas? You don't need to go anywhere for this, you can make this powder at home.

Make this powder at home for stomach gas

You can easily make this powder at home to get rid of gas in the stomach. In which you have to take 2 spoons of ajwain, some asafoetida and one spoon of black salt. Now roast it on low heat on gas first with ajwain. Allow the ajwain to cool after roasting.

Take this half powder with water whenever there is gas in the stomach

After the ajwain cools down, add asafoetida and black salt and grind it. When it is finely ground, pour it into a vial. Now the medicine for this gas is ready. Take this half powder with water whenever there is gas in the stomach. Packed with antimicrobial and antiseptic properties, this powder will quickly release gas in the stomach and give you immediate relief from gas. Apart from this, you can also use cumin powder to relieve gas when it occurs.


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