These 5 symptoms of diabetes are very common, unrecognized by people and increased sugar levels

Ahmedabad. 22 April 2023, Saturday

Any disease in the body has its own symptoms. Similarly, there are some symptoms of diabetes which are very important to recognize. Some symptoms are so common that people often don't recognize them. They feel that this is a common problem that does not require special attention. However, these are symptoms that are very important to recognize. Experts say that ignoring these warning signs of high blood sugar can quickly increase the risk of diabetes.

1. Fruity smelling breath: This is also a symptom of diabetes, which people often misidentify. Diabetic ketoacidosis is caused by fruit slathered breathing. This may leave your mouth smelling fruity. Doctors believe this happens when your body can't use the insulin it needs for energy and breaks down fat cells to produce acids called ketones.

2. Frequent urinary tract infections: Sugar attracts bacteria and yeast. When its levels become high, you suffer from urinary tract infections and yeast infections. This problem is most common in women and can occur frequently.

3. Constant itching: If you have frequent itching all over your body, then you may have diabetes. According to doctors, when the blood sugar level increases, it starts damaging the nerve fibers of the whole body and it affects the veins of the arms and legs the most.

4. Darkening of the skin around the neck: One of the symptoms of high blood sugar levels is darkening of the skin around the neck, especially the neck folds. Doctors say that the skin around your neck can also become soft and thick.

5. Changes in vision: It is often seen that people with diabetes experience blurred vision. If you also experience these symptoms, get yourself checked out immediately and get proper treatment.


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