After Corona in the world, even monkeypox is no longer a global health emergency: WHO chief

Source: Twitter

Not long ago, Corona was removed from the list of global health emergency by WHO. WHO took this decision in view of the declining number of corona cases in the world. After Jayar, an important statement has also been made regarding monkeypox, which is causing havoc in the world. Monkeypox, considered very serious, is no longer a global health emergency.

90 percent reduction in cases in last 3 months

A World Health Organization meeting last week in which officials told the chief that monkeypox is not a global health emergency was announced today by the World Health Organization chief. Chief Tedros Adhanom said that cases have decreased by 90 percent in the last 3 months.

Symptoms of the disease

Monkeypox usually presents with fever, rash, and nodules and can lead to a variety of medical complications. Symptoms of the disease usually appear for two to four weeks, which disappear on their own. The case can be serious. In recent times, the mortality rate is about 3-6 percent, but it can be as high as 10 percent.

How is the infection spread?

Monkeypox is transmitted to humans through close contact with an infected person or animal, or through material contaminated with the virus. It is believed to be spread by animals such as rats and squirrels. The disease is spread through contaminated materials such as wounds, body fluids, respiratory droplets and bedding. This virus is less contagious than smallpox and causes less severe illness. Health officials say some of these infections can be transmitted through sexual contact. The WHO said it was also investigating a number of cases involving gay or bisexual people.


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