Have you ever felt your heartbeat increase when you see someone special? Know its scientific reason

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 27 May 2023 Saturday

You must have heard two things about the heart from many people. Saying 'Oh, my heart stopped beating' when something suddenly dropped or seeing someone special makes the heart beat faster. Have you experienced anything like this in real life? If experienced then in fact these things related to heart are not movie but absolutely true and scientifically proven too.

Why does the heart rate increase?

Your emotions and your heart are closely related. You feel scared, love someone, or get very excited about something. Every situation affects your heart rate. Let's understand in simple language that you have become a part of a competition. Your heart beats faster before the competition begins. This means that the productive mechanism of the heart has become active. Which is ready to give your best output. This allows you to work to the best of your abilities.

What is the reason

Such an effect on the heart is due to intense sympathetic discharge. This discharge activates special hormones called catecholamines. This hormone has a direct effect on heart rate and speed. This is what causes your heart rate to increase.

Stopping of heart beat

This is just a matter of a moment. If the heartbeat stops for a long time, it is life-threatening, but if it stops for a moment, the science is different. When something special and very intense hormone is increased in the body then premature ventricular contraction occurs when the pacemaker cell that gives electrical signal to the heart is replaced by this contraction, it interferes with the next beat. This can cause a pause and the heart to fill with more blood. After which the blood volume increases when the beat comes. The whole process feels as if the heart has stopped beating for a moment.


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