Do you get pain in the veins of your hands from working on a laptop for hours? So try this solution

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 04 June 2023 Sunday

In today's modern lifestyle, most people sit and work on laptops for hours. Due to which they start to suffer a lot of pain and discomfort in the veins and wrists. However, wrist and vein pain can have other causes. Keeping the hands in one position for hours puts stress on the wrists. Carrying heavy loads also puts a lot of stress on the wrists. In such situation you can try this recipe. This will give you much more comfort.

Do breathing exercises

Many times due to lack of proper blood flow in the body, veins start to ache in many parts. When this happens to you too, you need to do breathing exercises. This will give you much more comfort. According to the report, if you do deep breathing exercises every day, this will help you get rid of the pain caused by the veins. Also you will get immediate relief.

Eucalyptus oil massage

Massage with eucalyptus oil to relieve pain in veins. Eucalyptus oil has many nutritional properties that improve blood flow. In which pain can be relieved. For this, first take eucalyptus oil on the palm and then gently massage it on the wrists.

Drink green tea

If you have pain in the veins of the hand or wrist, you can drink green tea. This keeps your nervous system healthy. Also the brain functions properly. 2-3 cups of green tea daily is good for your health. This gives great relief in vein pain.

Walk for 10 minutes

If your body is getting more pain then take 10 minutes walk every day. You can do this walk after meal or in the evening. If you don't feel like walking, you can do yoga and exercise at home.


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