Do you suffer from sweating more than usual in summer? So try these tips

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 05 June 2023 Monday

Sweating is very common in summer but some people sweat more than usual. Due to sweating, the body smells bad. Every time the chika is felt. Apart from this, dehydration also becomes a problem.

Spicy food

If you sweat profusely then you should not eat too much hot and spicy food in summer because when you eat spicy food your body starts sweating to cool down the body by releasing this heat. Eating too much spicy food accelerates the process of sweating in the body.


In summer, if you are consuming too much tea or coffee, it should be avoided as the consumption of caffeinated food causes excessive sweating in the body. Meanwhile, you should consume coffee or tea in moderation or not at all.

Cotton cloth

Don't wear breathable clothes in summer. Always wear cotton clothes that allow sweat to dry easily. This absorbs sweat from the body and also helps in drying it quickly.


If you include yoga in your daily routine in summer, this will also give you relief from the problem of sweating, yoga keeps the veins of the body calm and reduces the process of excessive sweating.


Drink as much liquid as possible in summer. Include fruit juices in your diet. Drink cold juice instead of coffee or tea in the morning. This will regulate your body temperature and not sweat too much.


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