Monsoon Season: Follow these 5 home remedies to prevent dengue-malaria

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 29 June 2023 Thursday

The arrival of monsoon has almost started across the country. This season, which lasts for about 3 months, is considered ideal for the breeding of mosquitoes. In this season, mosquito bites can also lead to deadly diseases like dengue-malaria, which can even kill the patient if not treated on time.

Home Remedies to Prevent Dengue-Malaria

Neem leaves

Neem leaves should be consumed to prevent dengue-malaria. These leaves have the power to kill viruses and bacteria. Consuming its leaves can cure diseases like malaria, fever, dengue and flu.

Cinnamon decoction

It is also considered good to give a decoction of cinnamon to a patient suffering from malaria-dengue. In Ayurveda it is considered as the best medicine for fever. If you find this concoction bitter, you can add honey to make it tasty.

Ginger juice

According to experts in Ayurveda, you can also drink ginger juice when you have fever. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Drinking this not only increases the body's immunity but also kills the virus that causes fever.

Decoction of giloy

You can also consume decoction of Giloy to remove fever from the body quickly. It also has anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it beneficial in cases of dengue-malaria. Consuming this does not cause frequent fever.

Basil leaf juice

Tulsi is said to be a mine of Ayurvedic virtues. Its leaves have diaphoretic and anti-pyretic properties. By consuming this leaf, body sweat comes out quickly. This reduces the increased body temperature and reduces the fever.


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