Somewhere you are also eating frozen dessert mistaking it for ice cream, right? Know the difference between the two

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 05 June 2023 Monday

As soon as summer starts, people eat a lot of ice cream but do you know that what you are eating thinking it is ice cream is actually not ice cream at all. Most of the products sold in the market in the name of ice cream are frozen desserts. However, to identify this, you should read the packet carefully when buying an ice cream. You will realize that what you thought was ice cream is actually a frozen dessert written on the packet.

What is a frozen dessert?

Most of the ice cream you eat is a frozen dessert. Eating this frozen dessert can lead to health related problems. Just as pure milk is used to make ice cream, frozen desserts use no milk at all, but contain a lot of palm oil. This palm oil raises your bad cholesterol. Whenever you buy an ice cream that is actually a frozen dessert, you can tell by the label on the packet that it contains 10.2 percent vegetable oil or vegetable protein products. Also, frozen desserts contain vegetable soy protein, liquid glucose, sugar syrup and many synthetic food colors.

How about real ice cream?

Real ice cream is called kulfi, which has no synthetic sugar syrup, no synthetic color and no palm oil, which is very harmful to health. Pure ice cream contains full fat milk i.e. pure milk, little cardamom powder and sugar. This is because it is not as beautiful in appearance as a frozen dessert. However. These are not as harmful to your health as frozen desserts. Also, it tastes much better than frozen desserts


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