These fruits contain a lot of fiber, which will remove problems like constipation

Image Courtesy: Freepik

New delhi date. 22 June 2023, Thursday

Scientifically, when there is no bowel movement for 3 days, it is considered constipation. However, constipation varies from person to person. Lack of fiber and fluid in the diet is often the main cause of constipation. That is why it is always advised to eat fiber rich foods in the diet.

Not only foods, there are also many fruits that help in relieving the problem of constipation. These fruits are rich in natural fiber that must be included in the daily diet.

So what are the best fruits for constipation?

These fruits contain a lot of fiber, which will remove problems like constipation

1 pear contains about 5.5 grams of fiber. Which is enough to meet about 20 percent of the daily food requirement. This fruit contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Which is very beneficial for gut health. Insoluble in pear peel. which helps move stool out of the intestine without dissolving in water. It is also effective for weight loss.

Citrus fruits

Sour fruits are rich in fiber. Grapefruit, orange are the fruits which if eaten daily reduce the problem of constipation. According to the USDA, one grapefruit and one orange contain about 4 grams of fiber.


Kiwi is included in the list of high fiber fruits. That is why kiwi is best for pregnant women. Consuming this naturally reduces the problem of constipation and also provides all the necessary nutrition. One kiwi contains about 2 grams of fiber. If the peel of kiwi is also eaten, the nutrition is increased and more fiber is also available.


Guava contains a good amount of fiber. Eating which naturally reduces the problem of constipation.

Dragon Fruit

There are two types of dragon fruit. Red skinned and yellow skinned. Inside which there are small black seeds. However, its peel is not edible. Dragon fruits contain about 5 grams of fiber. The best way to consume dragon fruit is by making a smoothie. Due to which the amount of fiber increases.


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