Protein Deficiency: If there is protein deficiency in the body, this change appears, know the symptoms

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 16 December 2023 Saturday

Protein is very necessary for the body otherwise the body becomes lifeless. To keep the body fit, it is very necessary to have many nutrients in the body. Protein is also very important to boost immunity. Protein is very beneficial for your body and it is essential for many cells to develop. Lack of protein causes your hair to fall out.

Muscle weakness

Due to protein deficiency, your muscles begin to weaken and your body becomes very lifeless, this is a sign that you are deficient in protein.

Problems related to nails

Deficiency of protein in the body makes your body very tired and pale. Problems related to nails have to be faced.


Due to lack of protein in the body, your immunity becomes very weak. Many kinds of diseases also start coming.

Pain in the bones

Whenever there is a protein deficiency in your body, the fear of pain in your bones increases.


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