World Bicycle Day: Daily cycling has many benefits including weight loss

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 03 June 2023 Saturday

Physical activity is very important to keep oneself healthy. However, in today's busy lifestyle, people's physical activity has become very less. Due to this, people are suffering from many types of serious diseases. Obesity is a concern of everyone but do you know how much you can benefit if you take some time to cycle every day? Cycling is the best way to stay healthy. According to the World Health Organization, cycling can also keep you healthy.

Helpful in weight loss

Cycling is an excellent exercise. If you don't want to lose weight by going to the gym, you can also lose weight by cycling. If you cycle for 30 minutes or more every day, the excess fat deposited on your body starts to decrease. This usually affects the stomach and thighs the most. Because this part of the body has the most movement. Cycling for half an hour can burn around 300 kilos of calories. 1 hour of cycling can burn up to 500 kg of calories.

Beneficial for heart and lungs

Cycling is an excellent cardio workout, which can boost your heart and lung health, improving blood circulation in the body. When you cycle, the heart rate increases significantly during this time, which allows the heart to pump blood more efficiently. Cycling strengthens muscles.

Muscles are strengthened

Cycling strengthens muscles. When you ride a bicycle, pedaling is done with the help of your feet. Meanwhile the legs work in a circle from top to bottom. This strengthens the muscles of the lower and upper body, from the leg muscles. This increases the amount of oxygen in the body and overall promotes this health.

mental health

Cycling also improves your mental health. This helps in reducing depression, anxiety and stress. Aerobics exercise activities are done while cycling. These activities can improve blood flow to the brain by changing the mental state. Which helps in reducing stress.


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