Have you ever wondered why joint pain increases during the monsoon season? Know the real reason

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 19 July 2023 Wednesday

Monsoon brings relief from scorching heat, sun and extreme heat. During this season, Hariani spreads everywhere, but the monsoon season brings with it serious diseases. People are also excited about this season. During this, street food is enjoyed abundantly along with enjoying tea. However, there is also a risk of infection during the rainy season. People get sick more during this season. During this season, people also have problems with joint pain, rheumatism, bone disease and old injuries. This pain is more bothersome in monsoon. Finally, what could be the reason behind why the joint pain increases in the monsoon season itself.

Why joint pain increases in monsoon

Monsoon is a refreshing season, but along with the rain comes many troubles. In which people suffer from joint pain, arthritis, bone disease and old injuries. Rain is not the cause of this pain. This is caused by low barometric pressure. The air pressure in the atmosphere is called barometric pressure. When this pressure is reduced, swelling and pain in body tissues and muscles increases. Low temperature can cause tissue, muscle, joint pain along with spasm.

People who have an old injury associated with bone and joint pain. They are the ones who have to suffer during this time. Apart from this, sometimes during monsoons blood pressure also increases due to humidity in the atmosphere. It can cause pain in the body. This also leads to dehydration, which worsens the condition. Hot compression is the most effective way to reduce pain. Apart from the decrease in barometric pressure in the monsoons, there may be a slight increase in muscle mass in the body due to humidity. This can potentially put more pressure on the joint. Also, due to sudden temperature changes such as going from a hot to a cold climate, joint pain can affect health and potentially cause pain in individuals with existing joint problems.

What to do to get relief from joint pain in rain

People with joint pain and old injuries are advised to keep themselves warm before and during rain. Exercise regularly, keep painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs with you, control weight, do stretching exercises. To reduce these pains in monsoon season as compared to other seasons, individuals should try to be physically active in monsoon season to avoid joint pain and complications from chronic injury.


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