High blood pressure patient should consume these 3 fruits, BP will be under control

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 15 July 2023 Saturday

Nowadays due to changing life style people have to face many problems which are caused due to food and drink, change in daily routine, lack of exercise etc. which sometimes become fatal disease for us. Like cancer, diabetes, obesity etc.

High blood pressure is a life-long disease that requires a lot of sacrifice, and if left unchecked, it can be life-threatening, leading to brain hemorrhage, paralysis, and more. So it is very important to be careful.

Control blood pressure by eating these fruits

1. Banana

Banana is a year-round fruit that is very nutritious. This strengthens digestion. Nutrients found in bananas work as a panacea in blood pressure, consuming it daily keeps blood pressure under control and also helps protect you from stroke.

2. Kiwi

Kiwi is a very nutritional fruit that contains many nutrients that are beneficial for health. It is rich in antioxidants and minerals that keep the digestive system strong. Apart from this, it also works to boost immunity, which gives the body the strength to fight against any disease.

3. Mango

This hot season fruit is not only known for its taste but also works to ward off many diseases. It is worth mentioning that consuming mango gives relief to the patient before fighting against blood pressure problem, it contains beta carotene and fiber which are very beneficial for health. These two elements work to maintain BP control which is good for health.


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