Shoes and slippers in rain can cause fungal infection, these 3 things need to be taken care of

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 19 July 2023 Wednesday

Shoes in the rain can cause fungus. Skin problems increase in rain, one of which is fungal infection. This can be caused by many reasons such as wet clothes, moisture and dirt and even shoes. Rain keeps moisture everywhere. Apart from this, this season is also the breeding season for small insects. Meanwhile, dampness of shoes and not drying due to lack of sun causes fungal infection. This leads to fungal growth in the shoes and this causes infection which leads to problems like itchiness between your toes and feet. This can spread not only to your feet but also to other parts of the skin.

It is necessary to take care of these things

1. Keep the slippers clean

It is very important to keep the slippers clean in the rain. Wash the slippers clean with water and keep them in the sun. After which wear this only when it dries completely. Apart from this, always try to keep the slippers used at home dry so that you do not get an infection.

2. Wear wet shoes only after drying them

Wear wet shoes only after they are dry otherwise you can easily get fungal infection. Not only this, this fungal infection can also last for a long time. That means this can happen to you often. So try to keep your shoes clean and then dry them in the sun.

3. Opt for open-toed shoes

Opt for open-toed shoes during the rainy season as these are water repellent, reducing the risk of infection. Apart from this, the feet also get sun and air which does not give chance to fungi to grow and keeps your feet healthy and prevents skin problems.


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