Do you also get mood swings before your period? So adopt these 6 remedies, you will get relief

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Ahmedabad. 11 August 2023 Friday

Periods are a natural process that every woman has to go through. These are very difficult days. Meanwhile, women have to face many kinds of difficulties. Women have many symptoms before their periods. In some people this symptom is not seen but is found. Some women experience emotional and physical changes. This is known as premenstrual syndrome. If you also experience mood swings or emotional changes before your period, these remedies can help you.

What is PMS?

PMS Matbal Premenstrual Syndrome. There are many women who experience some symptoms before the onset of periods. Problems like irritability, breast pain, swelling occur. This also affects daily routine badly. Some women don't even feel like working. This symptom usually starts a few days before the period and gets better after the period starts.

Remedies to reduce PMS symptoms

1. Mood swings before periods are caused by hormonal changes in the body. To manage this you should change your diet. At that time you should include foods rich in folic acid, vitamin B and iron in your diet. You should increase your intake of fruits to overcome fatigue. Green leafy vegetables, pulses, fiber rich food should be consumed.

2. You can also drink turmeric tea to reduce PMS symptoms. Because the curcumin present in it can help reduce pain. Also improves mood.

3. You can also do meditation and exercise to relieve PMS symptoms. You can do aerobic exercise, cycling, swimming, jogging. This releases serotonin and dopamine. This is the happy hormone. This improves the mood.

4. There are many physical problems behind mood swings. Like being tired all the time, muscle aches. This also often leads to irritability and anger. Meanwhile you should consume calcium and magnesium supplements. This can also reduce the effect of mood swings.

5. Do not stress at all during this time. Relax to reduce stress. Practice meditation, yoga. This helps you improve emotional balance.

6. Avoid processed packaged food meals with excess sugar. Salts can cause bloating problems. This can cause water retention, body pain, swelling problem in the body.


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