The number of eyes increased by 30 percent in children up to 10 years!


The growing technology has given wings to the fast life style of people. Private online tuition classes have been booming for some time now. Many children go straight home from school to get online education on computers, laptops or mobiles. As the school and office were closed during the corona virus, everyone from the elders to the little ones were busy in online meetings and classes. Not only learning, nowadays, from the time a child is born, from watching cartoons on the phone, to listening and watching songs and bhajans. Children are turning to video games instead of going out and playing games. Some of which have had a mild effect on their vision. Nowadays, children get glasses from a very young age. Especially at the time of Corona, the eyes of children who are constantly engaged in online classes have been damaged. According to doctors, the number of children aged 3 to 10 years has increased by 30 percent. People get distant numbers, near numbers and troubling numbers. Myopia is more common in young children. Which is commonly known as remote number. According to a 2023 research paper of the Indian Journal of Ophthalmologists, 8.5 percent of children in India aged 5 to 15 years in urban areas and 6.1 percent in rural areas are victims of myopia. Myopia prevalence among 11- to 15-year-old children has doubled in the past decade. By 2050, 48 percent of India's population is likely to suffer from myopia.

Features of numbering

- Close viewing of devices screens

- One has to strain one's eyes to see anything

- Spelling mistakes

- Avoids going out and playing

- Headache

- Frequent blinking of eyes

- Irritable temper

Reasons for getting glasses at a young age

- The child's parent or guardian should have glasses

- Less amount of out door activity

- Excessive use of TV, mobile, phone, computer/laptop screens

- Since the activity of removing 25 to 40 cm from the eye is done in the same period

There is no need to panic about the number of eyes, only vision is dosha

Some parents are scared of children getting glasses. No need to panic. It is just a vision defect, which is affected by several reasons. Children should be taken for an eye check-up immediately if their eyes strain to see far away or any other symptoms appear. It is believed that exercise, yoga or medication can reduce the number of glasses. But this actually happens in very rare cases. - Dr. Ankit Shah (Pediatric Ophthalmologist)

If the parent has a number, the chances of the child to come increase

A child with one parent having glasses has a 10 to 15 percent chance of getting glasses at an early age. So after the child turns three years old, he should be examined regularly by a pediatric ophthalmologist every six months. Consuming nutritious foods and getting plenty of morning sun can help prevent cataracts in children at an early age.

- Dr.Nuti Shah (Pediatric Ophthalmologist and Strabismologist)

Children's eyes should be checked regularly at home

Children do not perceive any defect in their vision. When the child is three to four years old, the guardian should close one eye and check whether the child can see clearly with the other eye. A diagnosis can be made if the child has any problems with distance or near vision. If the number has come, its progression can be stopped by wearing glasses. It is also very important to get used to looking at any screen at a suitable distance


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