These people should not eat brinjal even by mistake, health may be harmed

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 22 August 2023 Tuesday

There are many people who love to eat brinjal but the biggest advantage of brinjal is that it is easily available to you in every season but do you know that brinjal has many benefits in winter. By eating brinjal heart disease, blood sugar is always under control. Eating brinjal helps in weight loss but some people should avoid brinjal.

These people should not eat brinjal

Gas and stomach upset

A person who has frequent stomach problems should never eat brinjal. People who suffer from gas problem should also not eat brinjal.


If a person has any kind of skin allergy then they should also not eat brinjal as eating brinjal can trigger your allergy.


If a person is taking anti-depressant medication or struggling with any form of depression, then you should avoid eating brinjal, as eating it can reduce the effect of your medication.

Blood deficiency

Eggplant should not be eaten if the body is deficient in blood as it causes difficulty in making your blood.

Irritation of the eyes

People who have eye problems such as inflammation or swelling should not eat brinjal as it may increase day by day.


A person suffering from piles should not eat brinjal or else your problem may worsen.

the stone

People who suffer from stone problems should not eat brinjal by mistake as oxalates present in brinjal can increase the problem of stones.


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