Consuming lemon with this food can cause problems, know the right way to use lemon in food

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 23 September 2023 Saturday

Lemon is rich in vitamin C and if consumed daily will strengthen your immunity. According to a research, research was done on some people who ate lemon every day. The most surprising thing in this research was that their average life expectancy was almost 3 weeks longer than that of people who did not eat lemons at all. Lemon is a sour fruit. Lemon is used to add flavor to any food item but combination of lemon with certain items should be avoided as it can be hazardous to health.

Do not consume lemon with milk or dairy products

Whenever we make paneer at home we often add lemon juice to boiling milk and then this process makes paneer but the acid present in lemon can disturb the protein levels in dairy. Due to which this tumor becomes. Apart from this, consuming dairy products and lemons can cause an acidic reaction in the body and can cause irritation and acidity in the chest.

Do not use lemon with spicy food

Lemon is acidic in nature, so if you consume it with spicy food, it can increase the body temperature and cause digestive problems. Using lemon in spicy food can spoil the test.

Do not use lemon in hot food

One of the biggest benefits of eating lemons is the vitamin C they provide. However, vitamin C is very heat sensitive and can be easily destroyed by heat. So lemon juice should not be poured on such food which is still steaming. You can use lemon in your cooked food.


Lemon juice is a favorite salad dressing and is often used in fruit salads to add a tart flavor to the sweetness of the fruit. However, not all fruits work well when mixed with lemon. Papaya is a fruit that is beneficial when mixed with any sour fruit like oranges, grapes or lemons. Papaya is high in vitamin C, which along with other sources rich in vitamin C like lemon can cause acid reflux, heartburn and stomach irritation.


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