Eating salad before or after meal is beneficial for the body, know the facts

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 12 September 2023 Tuesday

Salads are especially advised to be included in the diet to stay healthy. Because it includes many types of vegetables, pulses and fruits, which benefit our health in different ways, but when to eat salad, there is a lot of confusion among people. It is not understood whether salad should be eaten before or after the meal.

When should you eat salad?

A salad made with a variety of fruits and vegetables keeps digestion strong. Salad has a good amount of fiber. Eating which keeps the stomach full for a long time. This is why it is beneficial to eat it before meals, which keeps the stomach full and prevents overeating. Eat a salad half an hour before your meal. This will make weight control easier.

Benefits of eating salad

Immunity is strengthened

The antioxidants present in the salad help in keeping the body healthy for a long time. Eating salad cures many diseases.

Helps in weight loss

If you consume salad every day, this can also reduce obesity quickly. Due to its high fiber content, eating it keeps the appetite under control.

Constipation is relieved

Salads are high in fiber. Because of this, many problems like constipation, gas, acidity are removed by eating this and the stomach also remains full.

It is also beneficial for the eyes

Due to the presence of fruits and vegetables in the salad, many vitamins and minerals are available to the body. Lettuce contains nutrients like vitamin A carotenoids, zeaxanthin and lutein. Which is beneficial for eyes.


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