Daily Exercises: Do these 5 simple exercises every day, stay fit and fine

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 11 October 2023 Wednesday

Staying healthy is a long-term project that requires you to work a little at a time every day. A necessary part of this project is to exercise daily. Exercise strengthens the heart and lungs along with speeding up blood circulation. Apart from this it works for your brain and mental health. Also, when you exercise every day, many parts of your body remain healthy, with which you can avoid diseases like diabetes, liver disease and obesity, but the question is what exercise you can do every day.

Do this exercise every day

1. Breathing Exercise

Daily breathing exercises are beneficial for your lungs in many ways. You should do this exercise first thing in the morning after waking up. This optimizes your lung function and helps make the lungs strong. Apart from this, doing breathing exercise speeds up your blood circulation and helps to refresh the brain as well.

2. Brisk Walk

Brisk walking is good for your heart. For example, regular walking helps in weight loss. This reduces body fat. This can help protect against various serious illnesses including heart disease, stroke, high BP and type 2 diabetes.

3. Jogging

Regular jogging can help you lose weight. Especially if you are also changing your diet. Jogging helps optimize your heart health and immune system, reduce insulin resistance, relieve stress and depression, and maintain flexibility as you age. So no matter what age you are you can do jogging.

4. Sitting up

If you do sit-ups every day, this will help keep your muscles healthy and optimize bone function. Apart from this, it maintains energy in the body.

5. Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises make your body work better. This is helpful in reducing spasms in your muscles as well as many other problems including body aches. Apart from this it reduces fatigue and helps in stamina buildup in your body. Doing this exercise every day can be beneficial for you.


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