Does your child use the phone too? So be careful, heart disease may happen

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 25 October 2023 Wednesday

Nowadays children suffer the most in the midst of modern lifestyle. Even a one-year-old child does not have a meal without a phone, tab and TV. Thus, the use of phones is very high among children these days. Kids use phones a lot for one reason or another. Uses phone and tab a lot. According to research, too much screen time has a negative impact on children's neurological development and social development. It also puts children at risk of neurological disorders.

Due to this, children are at risk of stroke

According to research, children who use phones more. They have an increased risk of heart-related disease at a young age. This is because they are not physically active while looking at their phones. As long as they should stay. Children who are less active often have a significantly increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Even if weight and blood pressure are under control, the risk of heart stroke increases. This research has been done on 14,500 children born in 1990 and 1991.

Too much screen time can lead to heart disease in children

According to research, children who look at more phones and tabs due to which their physical activity is less. Spending more time on the phone leads to severe echocardiography disease. So becomes physically inactive.

The risk of these diseases increases

Children who are not physically active. They develop obesity and type-2 diabetes at a very young age. Such children are at increased risk of obesity and diabetes. Such children are at increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases and heart related diseases. Today's children are getting separated from society because of their phones.

How to reduce children's screen time

Nowadays both the parents are working while they don't give much of their time to the children. Parents should give maximum time to their children.

Interact and play with them.

Take the children outside the house, for example to the park or play a game.

Involve children in a creative craft, drawing or other activity at home.

Teach children to clean their work such as bags, boots and other things on holidays.

Teach children their favorite activities like dancing, singing, skating or judo.


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