This vegetable is a panacea for asthma patients, include it in your diet

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Dt. 13 October 2023, Friday

Effective for Asthma Patients Sargvao: Considered as a panacea in various diseases, Sargvao is known worldwide for its many medicinal properties. Sargava can be used in every way for health. Saragwa is well known for its many names and medicinal properties. Rich in vitamins and minerals, this pod is useful in the treatment of 300 diseases.

Cholesterol is kept under control by consuming Sargava

Sargava pods are considered very effective for diabetes, obesity and asthma patients. Apart from this, Sargava is considered beneficial in eye diseases. Antioxidants in sorghum are beneficial for eyesight and retina related problems. Consuming Sargava reduces bad cholesterol. Its consumption keeps cholesterol under control. The calcium and phosphorus in it strengthens the bones.

Sargavo also protects against the risk of cancer

Niazimicin substance is found in sorghum, due to which cancer cells do not form. So it is also said that Sargavo also protects against the risk of cancer. Beans are also rich in fiber. Due to which a person often does not feel hungry. If Aryan is deficient in the body, it can be consumed instead of spinach. Its use keeps the blood pure, and removes hemoglobin deficiency.


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