What can be done after a heart attack that can save a person's life? find out

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 23 October 2023 Monday

Heart attack is becoming a serious health problem in India. At present, the number of deaths due to heart attack is continuously increasing in the country. Cases of heart attack are also increasing rapidly among the youth aged 25 to 45 years. Which is a matter of serious concern. Now this is not limited to the elderly. Many such news have come up while exercising in the gym, while dancing. Many people died of sudden heart attacks while playing garba. These incidents indicate that poor lifestyle and stress increase the risk of heart attacks for young people.

What to do after a heart attack

After a heart attack, the first thing to do is to put the person to rest. If someone has suddenly become unconscious, the first thing to do is check the person's pulse immediately. If the pulse is not felt at all, then understand that the person is having a heart attack. Because the heart stops beating in a heart attack, there is no heartbeat. Thus, it is necessary to revive their heart within two to three minutes, otherwise they may suffer brain damage due to lack of oxygen. Meanwhile, if you have a heart attack, immediately punch your chest hard. Beat the person until they become conscious. This will get their heart working again.

Give CPR to the unconscious person immediately

If someone has fainted and their pulse is not working, give them manual CPR immediately. CPR mainly does two things. Compressing the chest first and then breathing through the mouth is called mouth-to-mouth respiration. First place the middle palm on the person's chest. While pumping, place one hand palm on top of the other hand, intertwine the fingers well and keep both arms and elbows straight. This is followed by chest compressions that pump the chest. By doing this, the heartbeat starts again. Press the chest with the palm for 1-2 inches. Do this 100 times in a minute.


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