7.42 crore people suffer from diabetes in India, the proportion increased among people below 40 years of age

India, the world's epicenter of diabetes with 11 percent of the population suffering from diabetes, has seen a 50-fold increase in the proportion of people under the age of 40 in recent years, experts said. Currently, about 7.42 crore people in India suffer from insulin deficiency, which is required to maintain blood sugar levels in the body.

11 percent of India's population is affected by diabetes

Speaking at a health conference held in Mumbai, Hema Venkataram, an endocrinologist of the United Kingdom's National Health Service, said that 11 percent of India's population has suffered from diabetes so far, but now the disease is not limited to the elderly. Between 2002 and 2016, there has been a 50 percent increase in type 2 diabetes among people under the age of 35, he said. Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes in which the body does not produce insulin or the body is resistant to insulin.

Diabetes affects 39 percent of India's adults

Another private company involved in lab testing said in the research that 39 percent of India's adults have diabetes and about 40.3 percent are close to diabetes or at risk of diabetes. Hema Venkataram further said that people over the age of 20 have a 50% risk of developing diabetes for the rest of their lives. This risk may increase with increasing age and weight. The risk is higher in men than in women.

Being unaware of one's health can be overwhelming.

Apart from this, patients do not know whether they have diabetes or not, as they are unaware of their health. Hence heart, kidney and liver diseases increase after diabetes. According to a study by the International Diabetes Federation, 7 out of 10 patients are diagnosed with diabetes while being treated for another disease. According to another study, 25 to 30 percent of people under the age of 40 are diagnosed with diabetes after a lab test.


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