Are the symptoms of cardiac arrest different in men and women? Know the facts

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 23 November 2023 Thursday

Nowadays the symptoms of cardiac arrest are increasing continuously. This is because bad lifestyle makes you suffer from heart related problems. Heart patients are at increased risk of cardiac arrest. Nowadays, the cases of cardiac arrest are also increasing among the youth. Cardiac arrest can occur in both men and women but did you know that the symptoms of cardiac arrest are different in both men and women.

What is cardiac arrest?

Cardiac arrest is a serious problem related to the heart. During this the heart suddenly stops pumping blood. Due to which the supply of blood and oxygen to the body organs is stopped. A patient may die within minutes of cardiac arrest. Many people confuse cardiac arrest and heart attack as the same but they are different. Cardiac arrest is more dangerous than heart attack.

Symptoms of cardiac arrest in women

Difficulty breathing

Abdominal pain

Vomiting and nausea



Burning sensation in the chest

Symptoms of cardiac arrest in men

Chest pain

The body becomes lifeless

Sudden sweating

Difficulty breathing


In cardiac arrest, the heart rate increases from 300 to 400. Due to which the heart stops working and the supply of the body stops. In this case, if you do not get immediate treatment, the person's life can also be lost. So do not ignore any of these symptoms.


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