B12 deficiency can also cause white spots on the body, research has revealed

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Dt. 24 November 2023, Friday

symptoms of vitamin b12: Nowadays many people in the world are suffering from various diseases due to bad lifestyle and diet. People eat huge amount of junk food and oily food. So, by eating outside food, the body begins to lack various types of vitamins and nutrients. One of such vitamins is B12. If B12 decreases in a person's body, many types of diseases occur. But did you know that B12 deficiency can also cause white spots? Yes, it's true Vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to skin related ailments.

Infertility problem

Some researches have revealed that if vitamin B12 deficiency occurs, infertility may occur in both men and women.

Anemic disease

Vitamin B12 is required in the body for our nervous system. If you are a vegetarian and you are not extra, you have a problem. Its deficiency causes anemia. And you can become a victim of anemia.

How to treat B12 deficiency

If you are deficient in vitamin B12, you can add eggs, milk, bananas, almonds, tomatoes, tofu, sprouts, mushrooms, fish to your diet. But if you are a vegetarian then you can take milk, banana, almonds, mushroom and some medicine as per doctor's advice.


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