Consume more of these vegetables including spinach, fenugreek in winter, immunity will be strong

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 29 November 2023 Wednesday

The cold has already started. In this season, people love food full of flavor. Vegetables like mustard, chile, spinach, fenugreek are available in winter season but do you know that these vegetables are full of flavor and keep your health in check. In this season you can get rid of many diseases by consuming this vegetable.

Fenugreek bhaji

Fenugreek contains calcium, manganese, vitamin A and vitamin C. Calcium is much needed in this season, so include it in your diet. Also fenugreek bhaji is very beneficial for diabetic patients. The amino acids present in it control high blood sugar.

Chilli Bhaji

Chilli bhaji is popular. Chilli bhaji raitu, vegetable is eaten a lot. It contains vitamins A, B and C as well as many other nutrients and antioxidants. Consuming it will not give you any stomach problems soon. This herb also relieves constipation and gas. Also, it strengthens digestion.

mustard greens

Mustard vegetable is eaten a lot in winter season. It contains other nutrients like fiber, protein, vitamin K, calcium, vitamin B6, vitamin C. This nutrient makes your immunity strong during the cold season.

Spinach vegetable

Spinach is consumed for 12 months but the sale of this vegetable is very high during this season. Full of taste and health, this vegetable contains vitamin-A, manganese, calcium, protein and many other nutrients. Spinach is called a superfood. This is nothing less than a boon for health. It helps in weight control and relieves many problems.


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