dry cough and burning eyes; Don't take allergies lightly, know how to avoid them

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Ahmedabad. 03 November 2023 Friday

According to a study, only 1 in 7 people in the country cleans the house seriously. Another 6 people clean only on festivals and Diwali. The situation is the same in the office. According to the study survey 2022, after the corona epidemic, 61 percent people have become serious about cleaning the house but there has not been much improvement. Long-standing dust particles in homes and offices not only trigger allergies but can also cause asthma and breathing problems. About 20 percent of viral fever patients complain of allergic asthma. These range from common rhinitis to anaphylaxis.

Following exposure to an allergy may cause symptoms

- Sneezing

- Runny or blocked nose

- Redness of eyes, itching

- Tearing from the eyes

- Wheezing while breathing

- Constant coughing

- Tightness in the chest

- Shortness of breath

- Itching

What is an allergy?

An allergy is a medical condition in which eating or coming into contact with a particular substance can make you sick. Allergies occur when the immune system believes that something eaten or exposed to is harmful to the body. The immune system then produces antibodies to protect the body. Antibodies trigger mast cells to secrete chemicals into the blood. One of these chemicals is histamine. These act on the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, skin or digestive tract. When the body makes antibodies against an allergen. So this antibody easily recognizes that allergy. As soon as we come in contact with an allergen, the body immediately releases histamine into the blood and the allergy symptoms appear. According to research, 8-10 percent of people have one or more types of allergies.

Dust allergy

Dust is a major cause of respiratory problems. So paint or drive through a dusty road, prevent the dust from being inhaled. It affects the entire respiratory system including the lungs. Fungal cleaning chemicals/cleaners also contain chemicals called corrosives that can affect the eyes, nose, and throat. The chlorine gas emitted after its use damages the lungs. Those who have dust allergy, when they come in contact with these dust particles, the symptoms are seen as soon as these particles reach the body. Dust is not only dust, soil. Apart from many types of fine particles, there are also microscopic organisms, which cannot be seen. Dust mites, fungi, pollen particles and pet hair, fur, dead skin are also present in dust. This symptom can be more severe for asthma patients.

Allergic asthma

Substances that act as triggers for asthma also trigger allergies. When an asthma attack occurs on exposure to allergenic substances, it is called allergic asthma. Many substances such as pollen, dust, dead skin of animals are some common triggers. Family history is the biggest risk factor for allergic asthma. Apart from this, even if you do not have asthma and only have allergies, the risk of asthma increases to 40 percent. This is the reason why it is important to control your allergies in the beginning.

The method of cleaning has to be changed

- Pay attention to regular cleaning. Do not leave dirt anywhere for a long time.

- When we dispose of garbage, dust particles fly from the ground and accumulate on walls, beds, furniture. Meanwhile, use a broom only when there is a lot of litter. Otherwise just mine.

- Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is the best option. Clean walls, doors, windows and furniture once a week.

- Change sheets and pillows once a week.

- Clean the carpets also periodically. This is the place where dust particles accumulate.

- Do not bring outside shoes indoors or clean them thoroughly.

These things boost immunity

Improving diet is also essential to reduce the impact of allergies. Eat green tea, turmeric, honey, cardamom, dry fruits, tomato, ginger, garlic, onion curd and chicken and fish etc. Reduce smoking intake, it weakens immunity.


The best defense is to avoid allergens. Previously, no treatment method had a permanent cure for allergies. But now there are cures available in allopathy, which can eradicate allergies from the root. Blood test and skin test are done to identify the allergy. It is known which substance the patient is allergic to, that substance is purified and given continuously to the patient. Gradually the immunity of the body increases with that substance. This is called allergen immunotherapy. It cures allergic asthma. Practice regular deep breathing and exhaling. Do Pranayama, Kapalbhati.


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