In a shocking case, a fly was found resting in the stomach of an elderly man during a cancer screening

Living fly is resting in old man's Intestines: A shocking case has come up in America. In which a fly was found alive inside the man's stomach. This phenomenon is shocking, but also 100 percent true. Not only this, what is even more worrying is that despite the efforts of the doctors, the fly does not go away. Now the biggest question is what happens next.

This case was published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology

The case has come out of a Missouri hospital. According to an article published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, a 63-year-old man had long-standing problems. When he came to a Missouri hospital for a routine checkup for colon cancer. After several days of struggle, the doctors decided to do a colonoscopy.

A very rare colonoscopic case

Doctors were shocked when a camera was inserted into his stomach during a colonoscopy. In which he saw a fly in the man's stomach, which was alive. In this regard, even the doctors do not understand how this fly finally reached the old man's stomach alive! Why can this fly survive due to gastric acid? This is a very rare colonoscopic case, they write in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.

The doctors had many questions regarding this case

In this case, information was also found that the patient had taken pizza and salad in his meal earlier. Then the day before the colonoscopy was on liquids only and then had to be on an empty stomach for 24 hours. Also, in this regard, the patient says that he does not remember any fly-like dirt in his food. But now the biggest question in this regard is how to remove this fly from the stomach? Doctors said that despite all efforts, this fly does not move from its place. Now other methods are being considered to remove it.


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