Try these tips if you have throat problems due to changing seasons and pollution

Cough and Cold Prevention Tips: As the season changes, health problems increase for people. During this time people in every house have to face problems like cold, cough and fever. Pollution also plays an important role in ill health. Let's find out which tips can be helpful when dealing with nose and throat problems.

Do a salt water rinse

Throat cleaning is very important to get relief from throat infections caused by this season and pollution. Because throat infection sometimes causes throat swelling and pain. In that case, salt should be added to warm water daily and rinsed two to three times a day. It will relieve the inflammation and also kill the bacteria.

Steam should be taken

Taking steam clears the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. Add eucalyptus oil or Carvol Plus capsules to the water while taking steam. Cover your head with a towel, then steam. This will open the blocked nose and the phlegm and dirt accumulated in the lungs will come out easily and provide relief. Taking steam at night before going to bed is very beneficial.

Nozzle drop is also beneficial

A nozzle drop is also beneficial in cold, cough and sore throat. But it should be used with expert advice. Apart from this almond rogan oil or pure cow ghee can be used. So that dryness is reduced and relief is provided.

Turmeric milk

Before going to bed at night, one should drink warm turmeric milk with skimmed cream. Since turmeric has antibacterial properties, it is considered very beneficial in problems like cold and cough. Apart from this, if Taseer likes it, you can also add a pinch of sugar to this milk.

Basil decoction

A decoction of basil leaves proves to be beneficial in this season. Tulsi is also effective as it has antibacterial properties. You can also add cumin, turmeric, giloy, a pinch of salt and black pepper etc. to this decoction. It will be very beneficial.

Take special care of this in such a season

Avoiding cold, spicy or fried foods and eating out, taking lemon tea or a diet rich in vitamin C. Also taking as much liquid as possible. Also, avoid going out of the house in the morning and wear a mask if you are going out. During this season it is cold at night and hot during the day, so wear thick clothes at night in such conditions.


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