Diabetes is the 'silent killer', know what type-1 diabetes is and why teenagers are more affected

Diabetes: Type-1 patients account for 3-4% of total diabetic patients in the country. Type-2 diabetes occurs mainly in adults, while type-1 diabetes occurs in children and adolescents. In this, the amount of insulin in the body becomes very low or negligible. So insulin is given externally by injection.

A major cause of type-1 diabetes

Due to genetic reasons, the cells that protect the body started to get damaged. Siblings of children with type-1 diabetes have a 5 percent risk of developing diabetes. Talking about environmental causes, some viruses and chemicals can also cause type-1 diabetes.

Serious side effects

Type-1 diabetes is mostly seen in teenagers around 14 years of age. 80 percent of diabetes cases in people under the age of 35 are type-1 diabetes. Most patients are thin. Due to the adverse effects of the environment on the genetic properties, the autoimmune process starts in the beta cells and due to the destruction of the beta cells, insulin starts to disappear from the body.

Timely treatment is necessary

If a drug that prevents damage to beta cells is given in the early days of diabetes, it is possible that over time the amount of insulin used in treatment can be significantly reduced. Doing so can also prevent other serious side effects.

Instructions for children and families

Because of mobile and TV, children do not go out of the house. Hence, parents should take regular walks with their children. Also they should be motivated for exercise and sports. Also avoid using lifts in shops, schools and offices, wherever possible. Stair climbing should be kept. If you lead a sedentary life, it is imperative to keep exercising and walking regularly.

Too much hygiene is also not good

In developed nations, due to greater attention to hygiene, infectious diseases are decreasing, but autoimmune diseases are on the rise. Excessive hygiene also increases allergies, atopy, autoimmune diseases and type-1 diabetes. So, motivate children to pay attention to cleanliness but do not put too much pressure on cleanliness.


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