Keep this attention while buying vegetables, otherwise you will become a victim of cancer!

Use of artificial color on vegetables: Some chemical colors are used to brighten vegetables and fruits, due to which they look fresh. In such a situation, people are attracted to them and buy them, which can lead to liver cancer if eaten.

Artificial color is used to make vegetables shine

Do shiny and colorful vegetables appeal to you too? Do you also buy vegetables because of their shine? If yes, be careful, because such vegetables can make you prone to cancer. In fact, artificial colors are applied to vegetables to make them shine and look colorful. Vegetables are sold using synthetic colors to make them look fresher. Many such cases have come to light where the Food Safety Department has taken action against such vegetable sellers.

May cause cancer

These chemically based synthetic dyes contain a chemical called Rhodamine B. Which can cause cancer in the body. Which can cause liver cancer. These are so dangerous that they can even damage the brain stem that connects the main brain and spinal cord.

How to check?

To identify whether vegetables or fruits are dyed with chemicals, buy liquid paraffin from a medical store and apply it to the clothes. Remove any one vegetable from the vegetables you brought (use this vegetable as a sample, then do not eat). Now apply liquid paraffin on these vegetables with the help of a cloth. If the color of vegetables gets on the clothes, understand that chemicals have been used on the vegetables.


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